Monday, March 27, 2006
Why do we race? To win. What about teamwork? Teamwork is built during trainings and displayed during the race.
Boys'Brigade14th 4:38 AM
Why do we race? To win. What about teamwork? Teamwork is built during trainings and displayed during the race.
Boys'Brigade14th 4:38 AM
Bike Pick-up Point: East Coast Park BBQ 55/56 (Carpark E2F1)
Bike Drop-off point: SAF Changi Ferry Terminal
Leg 2 Transition Point: Changi Village Hawker Centre Basketball Court
Leg 3 Transition Point: Changi Village Hawker Centre Basketball Court
Leg 2,3 report between and 8.30. a.m
Meeting at Log Room on Wed and Fri.
Leg Leaders would be given necessary information and the rest of the team would rely on their Leaders for information.
Song Leng
Boys'Brigade14th 4:28 AM
Saturday, March 25, 2006
The race is 6 days away.
Several important announcements.
Wednesday after School at Logistics Storeroom aka Log Room.
Friday also at Logistics Room and afterward, Councilling Centre 3rd Storey.
LCP Ko Ming Jun is injured from the Mock Race and will be replaced in the 2nd Leg by LCP Lee Jing Han. INformation:
The HQ has released the details. The order of the Legs are out.
4.1 Start Point - Temasek Polytechnic (Sports Stadium)
4.2 End Point - Temasek Polytechnic (Sports Stadium)
4.3 Leg 1 - Stretch Out Leg
- Running
- Cycling
- Rappelling
Leg 2 - Orienteering Leg
- Hike (Navigation)
Leg 3 - Activities Leg
- Running
- Mystery Activities
- Kayaking
- Rockwall Climbing
- Archery
That means, the first one to start,
Jeremy's speed devils, they'll win us a headstart.
Then its Harold's Navigation, they'll secure the headstart.
Lastly, Song Leng's leg will cross the finishing line. Dramatically.
Its in familiar territory.
Hence, there's no reason we won't win.
Pray hard.
Don't play any football, Harold. Eat more potatoes. I'll see you guys on Wed and Fri.
I'll try to get MC for PE for everyone. No guarantees.
Song Leng
Boys'Brigade14th 9:33 PM
Hi all,
Congrats to surviving the Mock Race. I measured 48 plus kilometres, but that applies only to Team Alpha. Using us as reference, we took 10 hrs and 17 mins to reach back up that familiar hill known as Anglican High.
Leg 2 : Harold, Keng Guan, Zhi Ping, Ming Jun ( Charlie )
Reserves: Cher Han, Chee Keen, Jing Han ( Delta )
Leg 3 : Song Leng, Juan Jie, Kah Kee, Joel ( Alpha )
Leg 1 : Jeremy, Alwyn, Xiao Yu, Cherng Ru ( Bravo )
Another team from 44th coy took part too, but they never did reach the correct checkpoint.
But the focus here is about us.
A Bible verse says that: " The first shall become the last and the last shall become the first." Very true. Before we reached Pulau Ubin, The rankings were:
Leg 1: Jeremy, Alwyn, Xiao Yu, Cherng Ru
Leg 3: Song Leng, Juan Jie, Kah Kee, Joel
Leg 2: Harold, Keng Guan, Zhi Ping, Ming Jun
FUCHUN 44th with the friendly TAXI uncle
Reserves: Cher han, Chee Keen, Jing Han
The reasons for Cher Han's success was simple. They maintained at a constant pace throughout and even if they did not run or could not run, they were steadily progressing forward. And their topography skills were dead accurate. Without any hassle and getting to every single place exactly, they were able to move up the rankings.
Harold's team used a simple strategy. They did not begin running, but instead, build up on their speed and moved fast enough to gain a lead, which they maintained after Jeremy's Leg stopped for a rest. Their strategy was to keep ahead and establish a distance from the teams behind.Whenever any team came close, they ran. This would create a gap that would widen and over time, get rid of the competition.
But 1 side effect. Damage on stamina and physical strength. They would not have been able to keep up the pace if the teams behind had given chase and it would be down to a pit of physical endurance. And Now, because of this, one of their members suffered a prolonged injury from throughout. But they walked slowly afterward when they assured their lead.
Jeremy and Song Leng's leg started off by running extremely fast forward, throwing the other teams far behind. However, the inconsistent pace that both legs had and the inability of the members to coordinate caused them to fall back onto walking.
Injuries slowed them throughout and one of the legs had to load one casualty up the safety vehicle.
There are many strategies to use. But Cher Han's strategy, the one that we used last year in the entire AQ race was the best and most effective. However, Harold's strategy was useful and probably self-defeating, it served them well.
Give some thought and suggest:
Is running front to establish a lead, then once it is assured, walk at a constant speed throughout effective?
Pray hard.
They're setting up the finishing line, for us to cross. I will not let any other team snatch the glory that is ours to claim.
Song Leng
Boys'Brigade14th 8:58 PM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
The Adventure Quest Race begins 25 days from now.
Are we ready?
Let us think back to the very first beginnings of our AQ training...
Not too far back, our Changi Village Run? That's right.
There was 8 of us, and we started at the edge of Changi Village, and ran along the road, past the canal and the industrial places, out of Loyang and into the road which was the end of Pasir Ris Dr 1.
We then entered Tampines and ran along the MRT line to Tanah Merah and back up the hill to the concourse steps.
It was extremely significant, even though it was funnily placed so early in the proramme. But then again, we didn't have that much time.
It was the most accurate of the measures of our abilities and stamina. We were able to complete the entire course without stopping for more than 6 mins.
The only pauses we had were the traffic lights and they made up the brief stops we would have at each checkpoint in the race.
We ran together throughout and no one gave up in the end and there was no need for the safety vehicle.
We pulled through 10 kilometres of road and were on our feet just after a short rest.
What did it show:
1)It was rash to rush into a run of such a magnitude, but it showed that we had a firm foundation of physical fitness and that we were physically prepared to take on a race which was of great distances.
2)Running in a large group is much easier. At least you can feel that the other guy is suffering more than you. Maybe that keeps you going. I don't know.
But the presence of your buddy with you keeps you on your toes and there is a different quality when pals chiong together. Check out Cherng Ru, Kah Kee and Joel. These 3 are an amazing combo. Though not yet as pro as Jeremy and Alwyn, but they were commendable.
3)We excel on pavement.
We ran for the entire course on the grey pavement and were reasonably fast.
4) Regular Long stops slowed us and prevented us from getting to the same momentum we held initially.
We should begin running slowly, then slowy build-up to a constant pace that everyone is comfortable with and can maintain for forever. Of course not too slow, or brisk walking would simply be more effective.
The run from Kallang was painstakingly long. We went down Sims Ave and Upper Changi Road. It was a long straight road.
We took a long time to complete it, unbelievably. About 2 hrs plus. There was no increase in distance but we were slower.
1) Different Terrain.
2) Bad air
3) repeated stops.
4) gap in physical ability
It was a bit of a dulling of our confidence as the first run was way too promising. But we were nevertheless, outstanding and nothing we've done were useless. Each success and not-so-well thing done could teach us a lot. It showed that our speed and peak could not remain optimum throughout.
Pretty much of it boiled down to your mental state on the actual day, your willingness to run, the amount of Breakfast you had, whether your sleep was enough, your girlfriend dumped you or not.
All these elements are very unpredictable. We are subject to incredible negativity by the mere influence of such stuff. So, we should try our best to focus.
Never ever drift away.
The last 15km ECP run was a killer.
Yet it made those who completed it feel shiok.
The distance was a killer. Personally, i didn't think we could manage such a great increment in a short span of time.
But we finished it. That counts towards something.
Only 5 people pulled through the fullness of the distance.
Some of us were slack, and others went to have a stop at Kopitiam to drink some bandung and Ice lemon tea.
But overall, we were exemplary.
So far, I've analyzed 3 of our long runs. Are we ready? I think : YES.
Factors affecting Physical Performance:
1) Terrain - Roughness of ground, impact, unevenness or concrete.
2) Air - A fresh breeze compared to car exhaust. Which is better?
3) Momentum - A loss of momentum could be difficult to regain. Our brains refuse to go back to the peak we would be functioning at before.
4) Amount of Sleep - Rest before the night enables one to be refreshed and alert.
5) Energy - Eating a slice of bread or a BIG BREAKFAST. Which is more energy giving?
6) Mental - Do you want to run?
7) Whether your girl friend dumped you or not
8) Having to run with some person you don't enjoy being with.
9) Waking up on the wrong side of the bed.
10) Not enough Fluids.
11) Injuries
This is just a summary. Maybe there're more occurences of such nature, prohibiting you from running. But the MIND is sovereign over all. Think strong and you Will be strong.
Stay Mentally Stable.
Song Leng
Boys'Brigade14th 4:40 AM
AQ training would take a week long hiatus in favour of Leadership Development Camp and Recruit Hike.
At the end of this week MON 6/3 - SUN 12/3, there would be no trainings for those Sec 3 & 2 involved in the above 2 camps and the Sec Three Bonding Camp.
However, training would resume on the 18th of March.
18 Mar - ROCKWALL CLIMBING (morning)
KAYAKING (afternoon)
25 Mar - MOCK RACE
31 Mar - PRE-RACE PREPARATIONS For the Biking Expedition, only Sec 4s are able to go.
As the rest of the team of the cycling legs would be tied down with other matters.
From next week onwards, there would be FULL ATTENDANCE.
After the race, we might have scores to settle with each other.
For now, recuperate and prepare yourselves for the race.
GOD BLESS (us) and u.
Song Leng
Boys'Brigade14th 4:12 AM
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This blogsite is built and based solely for BBAQ and not for the childish likes of certain individuals to use it to launch personal attacks against members of the team. Anonymous tags would be disregarded and deleted.
They do not add value and serve only to demoralize the team.
I would ask those clowns to take their argument someplace else and not here.
If anyone supports such acts of indecency and insensitivity, they will be dealt with most severely.
Offenders will be traced, exposed and punished.
If you are helpful enough, please do not trouble yourself to visit this site as most of it would not concern a non-BB member.
Especially those of OTHER UGs in the school.
Thank you.
Boys'Brigade14th 8:03 AM
Friday, March 03, 2006
There'll be a Map reading lesson by Mr. Yeo next week.
Very important. It would determine our success in the race. Topographical skills must be extra strong and this lesson would refine our foundation in it.
It would be most likely be on Monday.
I'll confirm this tmr and there'll be a phone call to remind you guys on Sunday.
Pls turn up, or i'll be on your case.
Date: 6th March
Attire: Whatever variation of the School Uniform on that day.
On this same date, Jeremy, Kah Kee and Cherng Ru most probably would be going to BBHQ tmr. I'll be telling you guys who are involved during parade.
By the way, the AQ team from 44th Coy would be joining us. I hope we can show that we are professional and highly disciplined.
Which has been lacking.
SSG Lau Song Leng
Boys'Brigade14th 4:51 AM
Hi all,
There'll be a Biking Expedition undertaken by SGT Wu Xiao Yu next week, on the 11th of March. It'll be based throughout the entire island.
More information would be given nearer to the date.
Attire would tentatively be BLUE PT KIT.
Song Leng
Boys'Brigade14th 4:44 AM
There'll be a Kayaking training held after the Rock Wall Climbing Training at the date below.
18th Mar 2006 (Sat) from 1.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.Tentatively, the below and above information stands:
Attire: Blue PT Kit. (neopryne kayaking shoes can be worn)
Bring: 1.5 litre water Bottle
Suntan Lotion to prevent sunburn
Extra set of clothes
Toiletries (bathing necessities)
I'll repost this nearer to the date.
Song Leng
Boys'Brigade14th 4:36 AM