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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Dear boys,

After months of training, what we have been preparing for is finally a week away. I hope that you guys have been training by yourselves for those who frequently miss trainings because of other activities. Stamina is built up over time and there is no use trying to train hard now.

For this week, please try to keep yourself safe and in good shape. Watch your diet and do not try not to get any injuries.

This is what you have to bring the coming Friday.

1.Haversack or backpack with hydration bag
2.At least 3 litres of water, bottled or in hydration bag
3.Energy Food
4.National PT Kit
5.Cycling Gloves (Optional)
6.Extra clothes to change (Optional)
7.Poncho (Optional)

1.Two whistles
2.One torchlight
3.One mobile phone
4.One map marker

Please discuss among your teams regarding who to bring which items etc.
Last but not least, let us do our best for the coming BB Blaze'11 and do the 14th Singapore Company proud!

- SGT Enoch Loy -

Boys'Brigade14th 10:09 PM

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dear boys,

I believe that after being put through the intensive physical exercise, some of your potentials are shown to us. I hoped that you boys have really put in your very best in the selection as the results will be affected by the timings. Out of the whole company's strength, we have chosen 15 boys in our company to do us proud in the competition.

Hence i hope that this 15 boys will put in their very best and work doubly hard. I'm sure that all of us will strive towards the goal of getting champions in the Adventure Quest. However, being in the teams doesn't gives you an reason to slack and and miss trainings. We still have the power and liberty to kick you out of the Adventure Quest if your attitude isn't right. For this 15 boys, please take every training as an great opportunity to improve yourselves.

Without further ado, i shall proudly announce the 15 members of AQ'2011. Congratulations to you in being in the top 15 in the selection. The 15 members are:

Secondary 1's:
Ong Say Guan
Xu Jun Wen

Secondary 2's:
Cedric Choy
Kenzi Foo
Tham Qian Yu
Wesley Chai

Secondary 3's:
Aaron Liau Kai Wen
Alvin Khoo Jun Rong
Augustine Thia Jin Yang
Cheng Jing Xin
Enoch Loy Xue Heng
Eugene Tan You Qing
Fong Yu Yang
Glen Tan Bin Xian
Jerome Lee
(in alphabetical order)

These are the selection timings:
Jacob Chew: 12min 30s
Tan Zheng Yu: 12min 23s
Amous Liau: 13min 31s
Xu Jun Wen: 11min 59s
Aaron Gunawan: 12min 14s
Ngooi Zhi Peng: 13min 5s
Sun Xiu Qi: 13min 59s
Ong Say Guan: 11min 25s
Cedric Choy: 12min 5s
Kenneth Lim: 12min 27s
Tham Qian Yu: 11min 8s
Wesley Chai: 11min 2s
Kenzi Foo: 11min 59s
Wan Si Chen: 12min 49s
Fong Yu Yang: 11min 16s
Glen Tan Bin Xian: 11min 54s
Aaron Liau: 11min 31s
Cheng Jing Xin: 12min 11s
Eugene Tan You Qing: 11min 19s

Congrats to Wesley for being the fastest runner.

The competition between the juniors and the seniors are fierce. Please do not be disappointed if you were not selected. Do not feel disheartened and continue training, for there are many years ahead for you to participate in.

I hope that this 15 of you guys are proud of yourselves and prepare for some intensive training for a pretty long period of time. You guys have a chance to make the 14th company known wide among the Singapore BB companies. To emphasize on the point of attitude again, attitude determines your altitude. To determine how far you can go or how much you can achieve, it is based solely on your attitude. Once again, congratulations into making it into the Adventure Quest team.

Signing off,
Adventure Quest 2011 Chairman, SGT Enoch Loy

Boys'Brigade14th 6:40 AM

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dear Boys,

It has been a long time since the end of BB Blaze 2010. I am sure that you boys that had gone through all the thick and thin, the tough obstacles that you had to overcome. It has been a really tough year for everybody to train up. Though it was disappointing that we did not clinch any of the top ten positions in BB Blaze 2010, its time to forget the past and think for the future, to strive towards and excel in the Adventure Quest 2011. Now with a new batch taking over, i believe that the new will be a better one, and this time we will successfully clinch the title of the champions in the competition.

I hope that everybody from the company can give us the support. It would be a very hard competition for us to win, everybody need to put in his utmost effort in every training and improve in the shortest period of time in order to excel in the race. Most importantly, the attitude that you give in every single trainings will determine how much you improve. So i expect everyone of you boys to maintain a positive attitude.

Last but not least, we proudly present to you the new committee and leaders for the Adventure Quest'11:

Adventure Quest'11 Chairman: SGT Enoch Loy
Adventure Quest'11 Vice-chairman: SGT Alvin Khoo
Adventure Quest'11 Advisor: SGT Augustine Thia and SGT Jerome Lee

A new chapter will unfold. Forget all the previous failures or disappointments you had faced in the past year and concentrate for Adventure Quest 2011, for this year we will succeed. Remember, our ultimate goal is getting all teams into getting into the top ten positions, with one team clinching the championship of Adventure Quest 2011. Have faith in our abilities, put in our best, and watch what we can achieve together as one company.

- SGT Enoch Loy -

Boys'Brigade14th 6:13 AM

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

After much hesitation ,the BB Blaze committee has finally chosen 15 members .Please do not feel offended or disappointed if you are not chosen as this year ,the competition between the seniors and juniors are fierce.Feel free to join us in our weekly trainings.We congratulate those who have been chosen.You guys get to bring glory to the first BB Blaze ever!
I hope all 15 of you will continue to work towards your end goal and strive hard towards better achievements.Please take every BB Blaze trainings seriously as the committee has not decided on the reserves and the exact groupings.Come for every training ,take them seriously and you will definitely be rewarded accordingly.Please do take note that it doesnt mean that once you are selected,you can slack .We will not hesitate to kick you out if you show disciplinary problems or absent many times without valid reasons.
Remember it takes two hands to clap ,BB Blaze is not just for the committee to work on ,its everyone!
Last but not least,We proudly announce to you members of 2010 BB Blaze:

Sec2s- wesley

Yu yang

Sec4s-Guan jie

(please take note that the names are in random order.)

Well done and congrats.

Boys'Brigade14th 5:13 AM

BB Blaze-first training: Bedok reservoir 4.3km run.
These are the timings:

Enoch Loy- 20:19
Augustine Thia- 20:46
Jerome Lee- 21:47
Bennett- 22:18
QianYu- 22:23
Fong Yu Yang- 23:00
Aaron- 25:33
Cedric- 27:17
Liangjie- 27:35

As you boys can see,some of your standard have dropped while some improved.Pls train up and awe everyone at the next training.You guys can spend 1 period of PE running,doing warmups..etc.the other to play.

Fabian Fung

Boys'Brigade14th 4:36 AM

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dear Boys,
It had been a long time since AQ09 ended.Welcome to the year of 2010.This year marks the end of AQ but the start of BB Blaze '10.
The goal for this year is simple: 1ST in BB BLAZE' 10.It is not impossible since this year,we clinched the champions for CQ effortlessly.Empty your doubts,any fact facing us is not important as our attitude towards it,for that determines our success or failure.
We hope to achieve everything with you boys,holding up the trophy,sharing the honour of clinching champions for BB BLAZE,making this year the GOLDEN YEAR(winning both CQand BLAZE).
So we seek your cooperation and support.And last but not least, introducing our AQ appointments:
BBblaze chairman 10-SGT Fabian Fung
Vice-BBblaze chairman 10-SGT Glenn Yeo
BBblaze advisor 10-SGT Huang Guan Jie

May victory belong to the most persevering!

Signing off
SGT Fabian Fung-

Boys'Brigade14th 5:10 AM

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Dear gentlemen,

The much awaited Adventure Quest 2009 is only 1 day away. After tomorrow, it will be the big day for us. We have been waiting for this for 1 year already. Since our setback last year, we have continuously kept training, staying humble and toiling hard. It's time for your now to show your strength and gain your rewards. Regardless of the outcome after saturday's race, me and yongchen will still be proud of you guys. All the 15 of your who stuck through thick and thin, conquering obstacles after obstacles and pushing and stretching your endurance limit. I hope all your hard work will pay off come 4th April 2009.

I hope you guys are keeping yourself in good shape and having enough rest. Remember, the most important thing now is rest. Do not injured yourself tomorrow. Those having PE, try to refrain from playing soccer and basketball or things that might cause harm to you. You have all trained for 1 entire year and I'm sure you don't want your dreams to just go up in smoke. So, heed my advice and keep yourself healthy for tomorrow. We have already done our best, so the rest we just have to wait and see what outcome awaits us.

Adventure Quest is a race about a long term training basis, pivoting around physical and mental strength. So, there's no point training now or regretting that we haven't done our best. Come saturday, just unleash your potential and show them what 14th coy are made of. We must not be complacent, let me emphasise on this issue. Complacency will only be the downfall for us if we fail to guard it. Let's stay humble and maintain a positive attitude with one day remaining.

I'm sure all of your want to win the Adventure Quest, so just do your best and try to complete the race. No matter what, make sure your complete as a team. Adventure Quest is also about teamwork. Try not to pull your other man down, but at the same time, if you really cannot take it, do not push yourself too far. Safety is the first priority, bear that in mind.

With all that said, all the best to all of you participating in Adventure Quest 2009. We will do our best to clinch the champions and do our school and our company proud. Good luck and stay focus!

Last but not least, here is the list of what to bring for Friday 3/4/2009.

1. National PT Kit
2. Extra clothes to change (optional)
3. 1 pair of socks (optional)
4. Slippers (optional)
5. Haversack or backpack with hydration bag
6. At least 3 litres of water, bottled or in hydration bag
7. Long / track pants for rappelling
8. Energy food
9. Cycling gloves (optional)
10. 2 whistles per team
11. Poncho (optional)

12. Carabina for holding helmet to bag (optional)

Signing off,
AQ'09 vice chairman SSG Jonathan Tay

Boys'Brigade14th 12:23 AM

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Here are the results for Wednesday trainings:

Yong Chen:19min57s
Guan Jie:23min07s
Jonathan (4km):18min

Group leaders, you guys are to assign roles for your teams and please tell me who is what in your team by THIS COMING WEDNESDAY:
  1. Navigator
  2. Time Keeper
  3. Motivator
  4. Leader

Boys'Brigade14th 1:04 AM